Thursday, March 5, 2020

Choose the right Musical Instrument for your Child

Choose the right Musical Instrument for your Child There is so much choice in instruments out there that even the most savvy muso mums and dads can find it a hard task choosing the perfect one for their kids. We have found you the perfect pair to help you choose the right musical instrument for your child: introducing high energy music experts, the Musical Adventurists. Get in touch to ask for their guide, which covers everything from bold brass to soaring strings, describes each instrument’s personality and the pros and cons of learning that specific instrument. It is short and sweet, beautiful for your child to look at too, and is sure to give you a strong impression of the next step to take. The process of learning an instrument sets of fireworks off in the brain like no other skill, so get started! Matthew and Lydia, the Musical Adventurists, will come to your house and run a super fun, high energy Music Birthday Party for your child’s big day. Here they are, doing what they do best: “Being a Musical Adventurist has its perks. We’re too silly really, laugh endlessly and get to sing all the time! On top of that we love it because children respond to music so brilliantly... Usually children immediately join in at our parties, creating wacky dances and belt out some showstoppers, but occasionally, there is a child who is unsure. Once, last summer, we welcomed an immaculately well dressed tiny 5 year old boy who found the prospect of singing and dancing completely nightmarish. He hid behind the curtains, he shielded himself from comparatively Amazonian 7 year old girls and he barely made a sound. Lydia and I are always careful to encourage the children to take part and even to lead parts of the party but we won’t push anyone, and since he wasn’t wailing we assumed he was enjoying himself. The parents would obligingly pick him up saying how much he enjoyed it and off they would go. A few events later, we were half way through a particularly impassioned rendition of Frozen’s Let it Go when we asked if anyone wanted to have a stab at singing it as a solo. The room gasped, hands shot to the sky and Lydia and I had the enviable task of picking potential hopefuls. Suddenly I noticed that our tiny 5 year old friend was there again, and this time had his hand up. Well, we obviously had no hesitation in asking him up to the front and away he went, as pretty as a bell and sang his way all through the chorus. Now, the other children there probably had no idea of this little boy’s past shyness but it genuinely was a time when Lydia and I took stock. We love our parties and we always stand by our continuously proven philosophy that music unlocks the soul. Any inhibitions he might have had before were left outside, thank you very much! We were graced with his adorable grin till the end of the party. All I had to worry about was trying to stop Lydia from crying with joy. Well, perhaps both of us.” Lydia and Matthew met quite by chance one year at the International Edinburgh Fringe Festival where they were both on the famous Royal Mile promoting their respective shows. Lydia was performing in a short musical that eventually won Best New Musical at the Fringe called ‘Ed’ and Matthew was performing with his University sketch group, the Durham Review, which went on to win best student comedy! They realised they were both about to enroll at The Royal Academy of Music for their Post Graduate Diploma and the rest is Musical Adventurist history! After training at the Royal Academy, Lydia and Matthew set out into the London musical theatre scene. But they both felt that they had more to give, besides acting, particularly to children. Lydia had done a Music degree at Trinity College in Greenwich and Matthew had achieved a degree in Music at Durham.  After almost a year of work-shopping various ideas, they came up with 'The Musical Adventurists' music parties for children and haven’t turned back since! They are extremely nice, extremely silly, love working with children and have a strong desire to stand out from the crowd. Visit Matthew Lydia’s Musical Adventurist website  to ask their advice on choosing an instrument and to book a party, or search on Tutorfair for your dream Music Teacher.

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