Friday, March 6, 2020

English Listening Exercises 5 Ways to Listen Better

English Listening Exercises 5 Ways to Listen Better I saw the video 5 Ways to Listen Better (posted below) on TED today, and thought that a video about how to be a better listener would make a great English listening exercise. You can learn about listening better, while you learn English.I found this video interesting myself because as a teacher, I think one of the most important things I have to do is listen carefully to my students. When Im not listening carefully, I miss opportunities to have more meaningful interactions with my students, they become bored, and they dont learn as much. When Im really listening to what they say (dont worry, this is almost always, but we all have our bad days) classes are more fun and the students learn more.Below youll find a TED video featuring Julian Treasure talking about why listening is important, why people are not good listeners, and 5 ways you can learn to be a better listener.Click here to contact us and take an English class based on this video.Why you should listen to Julian:Julian Treasu re is the chair of the Sound Agency, a firm that advises worldwide businesses offices, retailers, hotels on how to use sound. He asks us to pay attention to the sounds that surround us. How do they make us feel: productive, stressed, energized, acquisitive?Treasure is the author of the book Sound Business and keeps a blog by the same name that ruminates on aural matters (and offers a nice day-by-day writeup of TEDGlobal 2009). In the early 1980s, Treasure was the drummer for the Fall-influenced band Transmitters.Here is the video below youll find listening questions:We are ______ our _________.How does Julian define listening?So in a _______ _____ like this, if I say ____ ____ ___ ________, some of you just sat up.What is pink noise?What did he promise his wife when they got married?In this scenario _________is listening to ___________.Name two synonyms for quiet that he says.What reasons does he give for people losing their ability to listen?What exercises does he suggest?Why is so important in listening?Every human being needs __ ______ consciously __ _____ to live fully.Do you think listening should be taught in schools?Do you spend any time listening carefully to something?Are you ever required to listen carefully to something?Do you think it is hard to listen sometimes? Has it gotten harder?

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